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Novelties & Best Sellers Catalogue 2024
Contemporary Lighting | Mar 13, 2017
This is How a Modern Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor!

Spring is coming and you’re probably wanting to redo your home decor. You just don’t know how to give it that final touch. That’s okay because sometimes all you need is the perfect modern floor lamp to elevate your whole home design!

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This is How a Modern Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor!

Meet Coltrane floor lamp. It is a standing lamp by lighting design brand DelightFULL and today you’ll see why we like it much!

This is How a Modern Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor!

Merely mention the name Coltrane and you will feel a deep connection with innovation and the expressive music in Jazz. Taking these powerful connections created by John Coltrane DelightFULL’s designers have created a monumental design that will withstand time.

This is How a Modern Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor! This is How a Modern Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor!

With 3 iron tubes, it makes a magical and a smooth lighting effect for architectural environments.

This is How a Modern Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor!

It’s a stunning mid-century lighting design that can be used in more classic or contemporary ambiences. In the photo above we can see it paired up with some beautiful Essential Home pieces.

This is How a Mid-Century Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor! This is How a Mid-Century Floor Lamp Can Change Your Home Decor!

What’s even greater about this design is how you can customize it and personalize your floor lamp to fit right in with your home decor. You can change all the finishes you want, from the lampshades to the actual stand of your standing lamp.

YOU MIGHT ALSO ENJOY: Mid-Century Modern Floor Lamps For Living Room Designs

We hope you liked our article! Feel free to pin all the images to your favorite Pinterest board or to print it and use then in your mood board. Don’t forget to explore our Twitter and Instagram for more Contemporary Lighting Ideas. Subscribe our newsletter and receive the best tips in your email box.

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