New Years Eve is almost here and off course, we prepared an article just so you can decorate your home perfectly for the arrival of the one and only 2017! The decoration of the table, the best lighting fixtures and ideas to decorate your house for the arrival of what we hope will be the best year of your life until now! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: THE MAGIC INSIDE THE LIGHT CUBE COLLECTION BY UNIQCUBE
Here are some suggestions for the lighting in the center of your table, we are sure that everyone who loves contemporary lighting will absolutely agree with our choices!
Choice number 1: This next lamp is called Clark and it´s from DelightFULL!Choice number 2: Coltrane Ceiling Lamp, for a unique look in your home. Everyone visiting your home will be absolutely astonished by every detail that these fixtures give to your house!
OH! Don´t forget the entrance! Here is a lighting fixture that will make wonders when you receive your guest at the door, what a great way to welcome them! This next table lamp is called Janis, check it out!
And of course the living room, so everyone can seat in the sofa talking and discussing their New Years Resolutions!
Here are some tips for you to decorate your table for the BIG and FINAL dinner of the YEAR! you can fill up balloons with helium and give the string a little twist, in the end, it will look absolutely gorgeous! Or you can also attach some photos to the bottom of the string with the best moments of the year!
And for your table why not giving a different look with some gold features attached to every detail in the decoration, It´s time to celebrate the arrival of a new begining!!
And of course the rest of the house has to be up to the challenge has well! Look at this amazing balloon attached to the wall!! It look fabulous!
Here is another suggestion!!!
At least but not less important: HOW WILL LOOK?!
Here are a couple of details, we think that can not go missing from your outfit, you have to look absolutely amazing!!
The editor´s Choice:
Now, we leave you with a beautiful video of an even more beautiful project this time in the heart of Portugal!
We hope you liked our article! Feel free to pin all the images to your favorite Pinterest board or to print it and use in your mood board. Don’t forget to explore our Pinterest for more Contemporary Lighting Ideas.Also, download this FREE EBOOK and get some inspiration from this 100 Contemporary Floor Lamps.