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Contemporary Lighting | Sep 22, 2018
Meet DelightFULL’s Duke 5

Maison et Objet September 2018 brought us many things to talk about, from new projects, that try to break the market’s ceiling, to new companies entering the world of luxurious furniture. With constant pressure from new companies and projects, it is always refreshing to see a company that is a veteran in the market, like DelightFULL, bring something new to events for the public eye. And Duke 5 from DelightFULL was one of those breathers than helped us at Maison et Objet September 2018.


Meet DelightFULL's Duke 5

Duke Ellington was an inspiration to everyone and to DelightFULL’s designers, the Duke 5 is not DelightFULL’s first tribute that they gave to this musician. The Duke 5 is, however, DelightFULL’s latest tribute to him.

Virtual Tour New Pieces

Duke pendant, Duke Round, and Duke Floor. These are all the Duke Ellington inspired designs by DelightFULL. All of them are part of DelightFULL’s catalogue, and are featured products that DelgihtFULL brings to all the events they attend. So, what does Duke 5 offer to be part of DelightFULL’s Duke family?

For a floor lamp, the Duke 5 is taller than most floor lamps, this is due to the fact that the Duke 5 is meant to be seen, it is meant to be an esential piece of any living room looking for a floor lamp that can steal the spotlight, and become one.

If you compare both of them, in terms of design, you can see that DelightFULL’s designers focused on a particular part of the new floor lamp that can bring the Duke 5 to a better place. The base of the Duke 5 is larger, and the body is well distributed than its counterpart. With this, the Duke 5 becomes a more balanced and eye-pleasing piece than the Duke.

With a short silhouette and a single swing, Duke floor lamp is a retro-styled accessory for every single mid-century modern interior design. Each cone lamp shade is conducted by a brass arm and its counter-weight.

In its essence, Duke 5 feels like a reitaration of the standard Duke. However, both of these floor lamps can set themselves apart from one another and be essential pieces, to not only the Duke collection/family, but also, to DelightFULL.

Turner Family


Read More: What’s Hot On Pinterest: Contemporary Lighting For Your Dining Room

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