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Novelties & Best Sellers Catalogue 2024
Arquitectural Lighting | Dec 15, 2016
2017 AD100: Ben Pentreath Ltd
TOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath Ltd

So guys, today we have an incredible interior design firm that appeared on Architectural Digest TOP 100: Ben Pentreath Ltd! The image you saw above is were all the magic happens, their interior design projects are planned to execute perfectly every decor from historical interiors of every period!SEE ALSO: ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST’S TOP 100 FOR 2017

Ben combines a strong use of colour, pattern and classical detail with bold contemporary fabric and furniture: ensuring that the room is just right – both for the client, and for the building. For example, this project looks simple and incredible at the same time. That blue lamp just looks absolutely astonishing don’t you think? TOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdTOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdTOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdIn this project the interior designer choose a neutral palette, luxurious decor objects but expressed in a totally simple way!TOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdThe same happens in this next project which was held in South Wales! Wales. The architectural practice designed a simple and elegant home that will express the good taste of this professional while creating a warm environment for the house owners.TOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdTOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdThis next home is based in Dorset! Over the years the interiors have evolved to form a restrained, soft and comfortable backdrop with inexpensive English antique furniture. The place obviously became a powerful and enduring spirit.TOP 100 AD: Ben Pentreath LtdSEE ALSO: ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST’S TOP 100 FOR 2017

Now, we leave you with a beautiful video of an even more beautiful project this time in the heart of Portugal!

We hope you liked our article! Feel free to pin all the images to your favorite Pinterest board or to print it and use in your mood board. Don’t forget to explore our Pinterest  for more Contemporary Lighting Ideas.100 Contemporary Floor Lamps Free EbookAlso, download this FREE EBOOK and get some inspiration from this 100 Contemporary Floor Lamps.

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