So you contemporary lighting lovers, today we decided to get you inspired with different lighting brands that are represented by Planet lighting! Each one is different and unique and we think you will absolutely love it!
Each design of each piece is trying to express different ideas and ideologies, we hope you can keep up with us and in the end, you can tell us which design was your favorite!YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: TOP 100 AD: ASHE + LEANDRO
So is an online store that will allow you to always be in touch with the most wonderful and newest lighting design, either you want to buy them or not! It is absolutely incredible and we are all fans already!
This first lamp is from Pablo Designs and it definitely achieves the aim it which it was setting for: to achieve simplicity in a technical innovation. It looks absolutely incredible and it´s completely sustainable due to the fact that it has a minimal use of materials with no mercury, for example. Pretty amazing right?This lamp is from David Tubridge and it´s called “Floral” I don´t know if you guys have the same sensation but at first sight the lamp looks pretty small! However, It´s huge and this is one of the fixtures that makes it look so amazing! Tango Lighting Grand Siecle Pendant will just looks absolutely incredible in any division, don´t you think?! This next lamp is from DelightFULL and it´s called Peggy. Incisive forms and contrasts characterize this chandelier with a funky character. Very elegant and with a 60’s feel. It´s structure is handmade in brass and the top cover in perforated steel, doesn´t it look absolutely incredible?!Jeremy Cole incredible table lamp is called: Aloe Blossom Table, it´s made with a white bone with a clear gloss glaze! Have you ever seen any lamp like this? It just looks amazing, right?!This next lamp just looks absolutely amazing! Despite the fact that it is indeed huge it completely expresses the contemporary and modern style! This lamp is from Façon the Venice and it is available on go on and check it out but don´t forget to comment in the section below!YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: TOP 100 AD: ASHE + LEANDRO
Now, we leave you with a beautiful video of an even more beautiful project this time in the heart of Portugal!